Carlos Abreo Villamizar

Carlos Abreo Villamizar is an economist from Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia, has a Master in Banking and Finance from the University Of Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain, and holds a PhD in Economic Integration from the University of the Basque Country, Spain. His research focuses on how trade liberalisation processes in developing countries promote economic growth through an empirical approach. In addition, he has had the opportunity to work in the business sector as an economist and consultant. However, his main work experience comes from the academic sector (academic management and teaching), working in countries such as England, Colombia, and Spain. He has worked mainly as a university professor of Economics, Finance, and International Business in different universities in Colombia and Spain (teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses). Additionally, he was Dean of the Faculty of International Business at the Universidad Santo Tomás in Colombia, achieving several academic goals. He has also been a doctoral fellow of the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, as well as a member of research groups in various universities, a reviewer of different international academic journals and a visiting professor and researcher in international settings. Finally, he is a Professor of Economics and researcher at the Universidad del Atlántico Medio, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Research Focus

  • International economics
  • International trade
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Economic development

Selected Recent Publications

  • Abreo, C. (2024). A sectoral analysis of a developing country’s exports in the context of trade integration: Evidence from Colombia. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 1–18. 
  • Abreo, C., Carrillo, E., & Wu, J.P. (In press). Determinants of Colombian Inward Foreign Direct Investment. An Empirical Analysis. Cepal Review.
  • Abreo, C., Carrillo, E., & Wu, J.P. (2023). Characteristics of Colombian Inward Foreign Direct Investment. Institute for International Political Economy Berlin. (No. 212/2023). Working Paper.
  • Villamizar, C. A. A. (2022). Impact of the signing of RTAs on Colombian export performance. Development Macroeconomics Bulletin, 2(2), 16.
  • Villamizar, C. A. A., Mesanza, R. B., & González, C. R. (2022). Trade Agreement And Trade Specialization Between Colombia And The EU. Investigación Económica, 81(321), 89-119.
  • Abreo, C., Bustillo, R., & Rodriguez, C. (2022). An empirical analysis of Colombia's trade liberalization process and its effect on the equilibrium of its structural trade deficit. Review of Development Economics, 26(2), 736-755.
  • Abreo, C., Bustillo, R., & Rodriguez, C. (2021). The role of institutional quality in the international trade of a Latin American country: evidence from Colombian export performance. Journal of Economic Structures,  10(1), 1-21.
  • Duque, A. P. G., & Villamizar, C. A. A. (2017). Del comercio electrónico al comercio social: La innovación
    al alcance de las organizaciones. Estudio para el sector calzado Bucaramanga, Colombia. Contabilidad y Negocios, 12(24), 107-118.
  • Duque, A. P. G., & Villamizar, C. A. A. (2017). Las habilidades del teletrabajador para la competitividad.
    Forum Empresarial (Vol. 22, No. 2 Invierno, pp. 5-30).

E: carlosabreo(at)