Salome Topuria

Salome Topuria is a PhD candidate in Political Economy at the University of Kassel and the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Her PhD research analyzes the political economy of capitalist unevenness and industrial policy in the post-Soviet context: the case of Georgia. Salome holds a master’s degree in Political Economy of European Integration from the Berlin School of Economics and Law and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations, which she obtained in Prague, Czech Republic. Salome is the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s PhD scholarship recipient and has conducted her visiting research stay at King’s College London. Salome has co-organized multiple international conferences, including the Young Economists Conference with the Chamber of Labour Vienna and Upper Austria.

Research Interests

  • Political Economy of Industrial Policy
  • International Trade
  • Transition Economies in the Post-Soviet Area
  • Materialist State Theory
  • Uneven and Combined Development

Media Coverage

Sindreu, J. (2024): Germany Passed its First Chinese Test—This One Is Trickier. Wall Street Journal, 10 April 2024.


Nettekoven, Zeynep and Topuria, Salome “Global value chains and industrial upgrading – the case of apparel industry in Georgia” (forthcoming, 2024)

Gräf, Helena and Topuria, Salome (2023). The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Industrial Policy in Germany and the European Union. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention. Doi:

Topuria, Salome and Gräf, Helena (2023). German Industrial Policy and the Twin Transition: Pre- and post-Covid Trajectories in the Automotive and IT Services Sectors, Working Paper, No 213/2023.

Khundadze, Tato and Topuria, Salome (2022). “Neoliberal Lock-in: Why Georgia-EU Free Agreement Doesn’t Work”. Tbilisi: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.