
Ümit Akcay

Ümit Akcay, Assoc.Prof. of Economics, has been a visiting scholar and lecturer at Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2017. He previously held positions at Istanbul Bilgi University, Atılım University and METU in Turkey between 2016 and 2017, at the Department of Politics and at MEIS in New York University in the US between 2012 and 2015, and at the Department of Economics of Ordu University in Turkey, between 2009 and 2012. He has a Ph.D. in development economics from Marmara University, Turkey.

Sigrid Betzelt


Sigrid Betzelt, Dr. phil., has been a professor of social sciences, specialising in the sociology of work and organisations, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since April 2009. Prior to this position she was a research associate and manager of various third party funded projects (financed by e.g. the EU, the German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs) at the Centre for Social Policy Research and the Institute for Local Social Policy and Non-Profit Organisations at the University of Bremen.

Philip Blees

Philip Blees is a Research Assistant at the HWR Competence Centre: Challenges and Resilience of Global Supply and Value Chains at HWR Berlin. His research explores the intersections of economic growth, distribution, institutions, and innovation, particularly through a post-Keynesian lens.

Alessandro Bramucci

Alessandro Bramucci holds a PhD in Economics and Management from the University of Urbino and a M.A. in International Economics from the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin). Between 2017 and 2022, Alessandro has worked on two academic projects at the HWR Berlin. Aim of the projects was to teach basic concepts in macroeconomics and economic policy using interactive simulations. He has also taught several courses at the HWR Berlin including Macroeconomics, International Economics, Business Economics and Quantitative Methods for Economists.

Juan Manuel Campana

Juan Manuel Campana is a junior researcher in the newly created DFG-funded Competence Centre ‘Challenges and Resilience of Global Supply and Value Chains’.

Petra Dünhaupt

Petra Dünhaupt, Dr. rer. pol., is a research associate at the Berlin School of Economic and Law. In her current position she is responsible for project acquisitions. Her current research centers around the consequences and impacts of international trade and integration into global value chains, with a focus on developing and emerging countries and development strategies.

Johannes Eckstein

Johannes Eckstein is a research associate in the research project “PRoKita – Plural Role Conflicts and Collective Consciousness in Organised Childcare” at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (in cooperation with University of Kassel).

Trevor Evans

Trevor Evans worked for many years at the Regional Centre for Economic and Social Research (CRIES) in Managua, Nicaragua and, until he retired in 2015, was professor for monetary theory, monetary policy and international monetary relations at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

Andrea Fischer

Andrea Fischer is a research associate in the "TA'raabet-Project", a science cooperation between Berlin School of Economics and Law and the University of Tunis el Manar in Tunisia,

Helena Gräf

Helena Gräf is a research associate in the research project "Global Value Chains in Germany, India and Brazil after COVID 19 - Beginning of a New Type of Globalization?" (PI: Prof. Dr. Christina Teipen) at the HWR Berlin and works in the research project "Clash or Convergence of Capitalisms: Property Conflicts over Chinese Direct Investments in Germany and the EU" (PI: PD Dr. Stefan Schmalz) at the Collaborative Research Center TRR 294 "Structural Change of Property" at the Universities of Erfurt and Jena.

Eckhard Hein

Dr. rer. pol. habil, Professor of Economics, in particular European Economic Policies, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) since 2009. Previously, Senior Researcher at the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Hans Böckler Foundation, Düsseldorf, Visiting Professor at the University of Hamburg and Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and Adj. Professor at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg.

Hansjörg Herr

PhD in Economics and postdoctoral lecturing qualification. Professor (retired) for supranational integration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, previously for many years research fellow at the Social Science Centre Berlin and the Institute for Economic Policy at the Free University Berlin.

Valeria Jiménez

Valeria Jiménez is a research associate at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. She is currently working on the dissertation project “Ecological Limits to Growth and Macroeconomic Stability- A Post-Keynesian Perspective”.

Benjamin Jungmann

Benjamin Jungmann is a research associate at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. His current focus is on demand and growth regimes of emerging economies. He holds a Master's degree in Economic Analysis and Policy from the University of Paris Sorbonne Nord and in International Economics from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Economics from the Free University of Berlin.

Martin Kronauer

Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Kronauer, until retirement in October 2014 professor of social science with the denomination structural change and welfare states in international comparison at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. During the professorship at the BSEL he was also visiting professor at the University of Vienna and scientific advisor at the German Institute for Adult Education (member of the Leibniz Association), Bonn.

Birgit Mahnkopf

Dr. rer.pol. habil., retired Professor of European Politics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law Berlin; diploma, Ph.D. and post-doctoral degree (habilitation) in social sciences at the Free University Berlin. Former positions: visiting professor, Institute of Sociology, Technical University Darmstadt; research fellow, Science Centre for Social Research Berlin (WZB); research fellow Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund; lecturer in sociology, Free University Berlin.

Anne Martin

Anne Martin is a research associate for the project "Varieties of COVID-19 Reactions and Changing Modes of Globalization in the Global South" at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. She holds a Master's degree in Political Economy of European Integration from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and History from the Evergreen State College in the United States.

Martina Metzger

Dr. Prof., Professor of Monetary Economics at Berlin School of Economics and Law. Before joining BSEL she worked for the Berlin Institute for Financial Market Research, of which she was executive director. She was also with the Division on Globalisation and Development Strategies of UNCTAD (Geneva). She served as a lecturer, research fellow and assistant professor for international economics and macroeconomics at the University of Applied Science (Berlin) and the Free University of Berlin.

Stefan Schoppengerd

Stefan Schoppengerd, Dr. phil., is a research associate in the Economics department of the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Previously a doctorate of political science, and has held various teaching positions and several years of editorial activity.

Ignacio Silva Neira

Ignacio Silva Neira is a Doctoral Student in the Ph.D. program “Economic Integration” at the Basque Country University in Spain. He holds a Master´s degree in Economic Analysis from the University of Chile and in International Economics from the HWR. Ignacio Silva Neira has taught at the University of Chile and the University of O'Higgins, and currently teaches microeconomics at the HWR. In regard to his work in the field of public policy, he is the Executive Director of the think tank “Observatorio de Políticas Económicas” (OPES) in Chile.

Martina Sproll

Dr. phil., since 4/2016 Professor of Social Sciences (with a focus on structural change and the Welfare State in international perspectives) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Previous positions as researcher and lecturer at several universities and research institutes (From 2000-2008 at the Institute of Social Research, Frankfurt/Main), most recently at the international research network and the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin. Since 2017 academic director of the international Master “Labour Policies and Globalisation” (The German programme of the Global Labour University).

Christina Teipen

Dr. phil., since April 2011 professor for social sciences with a focus on economic sociology at Berlin School of Economics and Law Berlin. Previous research positions at several universities, most recently at Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).

Gerrit von Jorck

Gerrit von Jorck, Dipl.-Volksw., is a research associate at the Chair of Economics, esp. Environmental, Energy and Resource Economics at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

Judith Waltl

Judith Waltl is a research associate at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, funded through the Berlin Equal Opportunity Program. As a PhD student at Freie Universität Berlin, her research focuses on feminist economics, particularly on the socio-economic outcomes for gender (identity) minorities and their position within institutional frameworks. Judith holds a Master’s degree in Economic Analysis and Policy, jointly awarded by Sorbonne University, Université Paris Cité, and the University of Technology of Compiègne (France), as well as an MA in International Economics from the Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany). Her Master’s thesis, entitled "Labour Market Barriers for the Trans and Nonbinary Community," was awarded with the POLITEIA Medal for Women’s and Gender Studies in 2023. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna).

Markus Wissen

Markus Wissen, Dr. phil., has a PhD in Political Science. He worked at several research institutes and universities on political ecology and socio-ecological transformation and has been a Professor for Social Sciences at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since October 2012.

Jennifer Pédussel Wu


Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pédussel Wu joined the Berlin School of Economics and Law in 2008 as a Professor of Economics (Professor for Economics, in particular for world trade and international production). Previously, she was a Professor of Economics at the Ecole des Dirigeants et Créateurs d’Entreprises (EDC-Paris) and an Assistant Professor at the American University of Paris.

Reingard Zimmer

Reingard Zimmer is a Professor for german, european and international labor law at BSEL since March 2015. Before she worked in private enterprises and as visiting professor at the University of Hamburg and lead the research office of labor and social law at the WSI at Hans-Böckler-Foundation.