Christina Teipen
Dr. phil., since April 2011 professor for social sciences with a focus on economic sociology at Berlin School of Economics and Law Berlin. Previous research positions at several universities, most recently at Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB).
Research interests
- Sociology of work
- Comparative analysis of institutions
- Transnational value chains
Selected Publications
- Helena Gräf , Christina Teipen (2023): Die Covid-19-Pandemie in der deutschen Automobil- und IT-Dienstleistungsindustrie. Auswirkungen auf Beschäftigung, Arbeitsbeziehungen und die Restrukturierung der Wertschöpfungskette. In: Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 16 (2): 43–57.
- Teipen, C., Jha, P., & De Conti, B. (2023): Dynamics in the automotive industry in Germany, Brazil and India – changes triggered by the Covid-19-pandemic, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies (Advance Acess).
- Herr, Hansjörg/Teipen, Christina/Gräf, Helena (2023): Corona und das globale Machtgefälle in Lieferketten am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie, in: Thomas Haipeter, Markus Helfen, Anja Kirsch, Sophie Rosenbohm (eds.): Soziale Standards in globalen Lieferketten, transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.
- Teipen, Christina/Dünhaupt, Petra/Herr, Hansjörg/Mehl, Fabian (2022): Economic and Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains. Comparative Analyses, Macroeconomic Effects, the Role of Institutions and Strategies for the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-030-87319-6 [Print], 978-3-030-87320-2 [ePDF]).
- Teipen, C.,Mehl, F. (2021): Global Value Chains and Industrial Relations in the Global South: Social Upgrading Paths in Different Industries, Journal of Labour and Society, 24, 214-236,
- Herr, H./Teipen, C./Dünhaupt, P./Mehl, F. (2021): Ökonomisches und soziales Upgrading in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 74 (1) , S. 2.
- Teipen, C./Mehl, F. (2021): Soziales Upgrading und industrielle Beziehungen im Globalen Süden, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 74 (1) , S. 12-19.
- Herr, H.; Teipen, C.; Dünhaupt, P. and Mehl, F. (2020): Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Arbeitsbedingungen in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten. In: Düsseldorf: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Working Paper Forschungsförderung No. 175, ISSN 2509-2359, S. 1-74.
- Dünhaupt, P.; Herr, H.; Mehl, F. and Teipen, C. (2020): Opportunities for Development through Integration in Global Value Chains? Berlin: IPE Working Paper, No. 140/2020, ISSN 1869-6406, S. 1-24.
- Dünhaupt, P.; Herr, H.; Mehl, F. and Teipen, C. (2019): Entwicklungschancen durch Integration in globale Wertschöpfungsketten: ein Länder- und Branchenvergleich. In: WSI Mitteilungen 72 (6), S. 403 - 411.
- Teipen Christina (2019): Globale Wertschöpfungsketten und nationale Institutionen: Eine wirtschaftssoziologische Analyse zu Entwicklern digitaler Spielesoftware in Deutschland, Schweden und Polen. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
- Teipen, Christina (2017): Macro-Meso- and Micro-Level Determinants of Employment Relations in the Video Games Industry. In: Briken, Kendra and others (ed.): The New Digital Workplace. How New Technologies Revolutionize Work. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 218-237.
- Christina Teipen (2015): The Implications of the Value Chain and Financial Institutions for Work and Employment: Insights from the Video Game Industry in Poland, Sweden, and Germany. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations, DOI 10.1111 / bjir.12144.
- Teipen, Christina (2012): Barriers from publishers and technological change: working conditions in digital game software. WZB letter work.
- Teipen, Christina (2010): Book review by McKinlay / Smith (ed.) "Creative Labor", In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 48, 3, 635-637.
- Teipen, Christina (2009): Between national institutions and international process chains. The computer game industry in Germany, Sweden and Poland. In: Sorge, Arndt (ed.): Internationalization: Design opportunities instead of the fate of globalization. Berlin, edition sigma, 105-133.
- Teipen, Christina (2008): High-tech companies as reflected in the “Varieties of Capitalism” approach: work and employment in the computer game industry. In: Cologne Journal of Sociology and Social Psychology (KZfSS) 60, Issue 4, 765-787.
- Teipen, Christina (2008): Work and Employment in Creative Industries: The Video Games Industry in Germany, Sweden, and Poland. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy 29, Issue 3, 309-335.