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Sozio-ökologische und -ökonomische Transformation
Ökologische Krise und soziale Ungleichheit Imperiale Lebensweise Ökologische Wachstumsbeschränkungen: ‚De-growth‘, Nullwachstum und/oder grünes Wachstum? Energiepolitik Alternative grüne Umstrukturierungspolitiken
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Veröffentlichte Master's Thesis Projekte
Lucia Alfano, The New Developmental State and the Challenges of the Socio-Ecological Transition — Lessons from Argentina and Brazil, Working Paper, No 189/2022 Sonja Hennen, Concepts of Justice in the Degrowth Debate, Working Paper, No 179/2022 Luke Neal: Ecological contradictions of Labour’s Green New Deal, IPE Working Paper 152/2021. Nina Schlosser: Externalised Costs of Electric Automobility: Social-Ecological Conflicts of Lithium Extraction in Chile, IPE Working Paper 144/2020. Misato Adachi: Success and failure of renewable energy policies in the EU: a comparative study between Bulgaria and Poland, IPE Working Paper 131/2020. Finn Cahill-Webb: International Environmental Governance and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change: the adoption of the ‘pledge and review’ governance approach, IPE Working Paper 99/2018. Cenk Olgun: The Role of the Eastern Member States in the European Union’s Energy and Climate Policy, IPE Working Paper 89/2017. Julia Anna Ruf: A Policy Analysis of the EU Emissions Trading System and its Crisis, IPE Working Paper 82/2017. Kitty Murnaghan: A Comprehensive Evaluation of the EU’s Biofuel Policy -from Biofuels to Agrofuels, IPE Working Paper 81/2017. Alina Adam: Drivers of Food Waste and Policy Responses to the Issue: The Role of Retailers in Food Supply Chains, IPE Working Paper 59/2015. Paloma Villanueva Cortés: The External Impact of the Green Economy, IPE Working Paper 56/2015. Pavlina Miteva: The Impact of the Increasing Demand for Biofuels in the EU on the Possibility to Conduct Collective Action for Reaching a Common Good: Analyzing the Changes ofand Impact onthe Community-based Management of the Common Pastures in Ethiopia, IPE Working Paper 37/2014. Anna Brüning: Towards a Green Internal Electricity Market? The Self-Regulation of European Transmission System Operators for Electricity within EU Multilevel Energy Governance, IPE Working Paper 31/2014. Anna Couturier and Kannika Thaimai: Eating theFruit of the Poisonous Tree? Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Consumption in the EU, IPE Working Paper 20/2013.
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