Konferenzen und andere Veranstaltungen


Gender and Fintech Entrepreneurship

The Harriet Taylor Mill-Institute of Berlin School of Economics and Law (HTMI of BSEL) is pleased to host the second annual TA’raabet conference on gender within the Ta’ziz Partnership, which is part of the scientific collaboration funded by DAAD between BSEL and Université de Tunis El Manar (UTM).

Date: 14 November 2024

In cooperation with the IPE Berlin

Call for Participation

Demand And Growth Regimes: Expanding The Debate

Date: 22-23 October 2024
Location: HWR Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A 2.04, Badensche Straße 52, 10825 Berlin

Workshop organised by

Growth Regime Working Group (GRWG) of the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR);

HWR Research Competence Centre: Challenges and Resilience of Global Supply and Value Chains, Thematic Competence Cluster B;

Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of INET

Register here

Download Programme


This workshop aims to facilitate the ongoing debate on diverging demand and growth regimes (DGRs) within and between the fields of post-Keynesian economics, Marxist approaches, regulation school, dependency theory, comparative political economy, international political economy and other critical political economy perspectives. We aim to expand the debate around demand and growth regimes, especially along the following sub-themes:

  • DGRs and the Structure of Production
  • DGRs and Industrial Policy
  • The Political Economy of DGRs
  • Dynamics of DGRs
  • Elements of a Progressive Demand and Growth Regime

These sub-themes will be examined through theoretical interventions from the different political economy perspectives, as well as, empirical contributions ranging from large samples to comparative and single case studies of Global North and South countries.

Past events

This workshop constitutes the third one organized by the Growth Regimes Working Group (GRWG), part of the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), dedicated on this topic. In March 2021, the two-day online workshop “Macroeconomic Regimes: Post-Keynesian and Critical Political Economy Perspectives” took place. The second two-day online workshop, “Frontiers in Growth Regimes Research: Theoretical Perspectives and Country Cases”, followed in October 2022. Parts of both workshops were presented in organized session at the FMM conferences 2021 and 2022 and published within the IPE Working Paper Series . Furthermore, the contributions of the second workshop resulted in two special issues of the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies – 2023 Issue 3 and 2024 Issue 1,  which are available as open access.


Day 1

12:00-12:30: Welcome and Introduction

Session 1: 12:30-14:00

Chair: Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Ümit Akcay (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin): Political economy of demand and growth regimes: Cornerstones of a further research agenda

Lucio Baccaro (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies): Politics of growth models and preferences for different growth strategies

Christina Teipen (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin): The interaction of global value chains and national institutional systems: Theoretical ideas and insights from previous research

Coffee break

Session 2: 14:30-16:00

Chair: Christina Teipen (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Anke Hassel (Hertie School): Politics in hard times: Growth coalitions, export-Led growth and Germany’s adjustment to the energy crisis

Juan Manuel Campana and Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin): Eurozone governance and the German demand and growth regimes, 1999-2024

Bruno Amable (University of Geneva): What growth model(s) for Europe?

Coffee break

Session 3: 16:30-18:00

Chair: Juan Manuel Campana(Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Ricardo Pariboni (University of Siena): Bridging the gap through public intervention: Evidence from the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno

Federica Arena (Roma Tre University): A theoretical, historical and applied analysis of growth: The Italian case

Daniel Feliciano Cruz (University of the Basque Country): Examining the role of drivers of private demand in shaping the growth regimes under finance-dominated capitalism: an empirical assessment of the Spanish economy

19:00 Dinner with speakers

Day 2

Session 4: 10:00-11:30

Chair: Ümit Akcay (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Manuel Valencia (University of Siena): Challenges to the left in Central America: a comparative political economy analysis from Structuralist-Keynesian approach

Andreas Nölke (Goethe University Frankfurt): Peripheral growth models and the global economy: A second image IPE perspective

Petra Dünhaupt, Helena Gräf, Valeria Jimenez and Benjamin Jungmann (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE  Berlin): Industrial policy space in emerging economies: The case of Chile and the energy raw materials chapter in the EU-Chile free trade agreement

Coffee break

Session 5: 12:00-13:30

Chair: Valeria Jimenez(Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Lukas Handley and Anne Martin (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin): Variegated Capitalism as an approach for understanding globalisation and crisis

Ben Scully (University of the Witwatersrand): Outsourcing labour conflict: Workers and public-private development strategy in South Africa

Philip Blees (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin): Productivity Growth and Class Struggle in a Growth Regime Framework

Lunch Break

Session 6: 14:30-16:00

Chair: Anne Martin (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Ryan Woodgate and Valeria Jimenez (Forward College Berlin; Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin): Effective demand for a sustainable global economy: A Sraffian Supermultiplier Model of pathways to net zero emissions

Edoardo Sala (Roma Tre University): We live in the same planet, but are we on the same boat? Analysis of the distributive impacts of the climate crisis

Guilherme Morlin (University of Pisa): Demand-led growth under political constraints

Coffee break

Session 7: 16:30-18:30

Chair: Benjamin Jungmann (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE Berlin)


Stefano Di Bucchianicco, Ettore Gallo, and Antonino Lofaro (University of Salerno; University of Parma; University of Siena): Debt-credit flows and stocks in a supermultiplier model with two autonomous demand components: Consequences for growth

Sascha Keil (Chemnitz University of Technology): Cumulative causation and the role of wages: Exploring the price-export-productivity nexus in the Euro area

Ricardo Araújo (University of Brasilia): Multisectoral growth and income distribution: A non-autarchic perspective to vertically integrated sectors

Economic Policies In The Context Of The Socio-Ecological Transition

Date: 25-26 July
Location: Room A 1.31, HWR Berlin

Climate change (CC) is imposing a great challenge to humanity, both in the economic and social dimensions. Regarding the economic dimension, climate change increases physical risks on economic activities, due to the possible damage to companies’ capital assets, and transition risks, due to the effects that the green transition may impose on brown activities. These risks are unequally distributed around the world since most developing countries depend on primary resource extraction, which is directly affected by them. Moreover, regarding the social dimension, climate change is imposing many risks, as it affects migration paths, increases vector-borne disease areas, worsens health conditions, and affects food and water sovereignty, among others. These risks have several consequences on the economic configurations of multiple countries. Particularly, many developing countries depend on foreign currency income from agriculture and fishing activities to stabilize the exchange rate. Additionally, the increase in global temperature may affect labor productivity due to the decrease in working hours that may arise from it. In this context, it becomes relevant to assess how the economic configuration of different economies is being transformed by climate change and how economic policies should evolve to cope with it.

Within this context, the topics to be covered in the workshop include:

  • Developing Economics in the context of the socio-ecological transition
  • Macroeconomics in the context of open economies and growth regimes.
  • Climate Change effects interconnections with financial and macroeconomic setups.
  • Industrial Policy, International Trade and Global Value Chains.

The workshop, has been co-organized by the Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) and the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) Berlin. With the participation of:

  • Giorgos Galanis (Queen Mary, University of London)
  • Robert A. Blecker (American University, US)
  • Ryan Woodgate (Forward College)
  • Petra Dünhaupt (HWR/IPE)
  • Hansjörg Herr (HWR/IPE)
  • Christina Teipen (HWR/IPE)


Juan Manuel Campana (IPE)
Valeria Jiménez (IPE)
Santiago Graña (YSI)


Critical Macro-Finance in Europe and Beyond

Workshop in Cooperation with the Global Climate Forum

Date: 23 July, 2-7pm
Organisers: Steffen Murau, Armin Haas (both OBFA-TRANSFORM project), Dirk Bezemer

What is the role of macrofinancial structure in addressing today's economic challenges around transition, equality and innovation? Macrofinancial structure is the web of balance sheets of public actors (governments, central banks, supranational bodies), market actors and other (semi-public/ngo) organization, and the rules and institutions that govern their actions and options. Financial crises, Covid, climate and war have spurred renewed attention to their organization to meet today's challenges. This half-day workshop aims to bring together political economy researchers working in Post-Keynesian and Critical Macrofinance perspectives to discuss their work, exchange ideas, and explore new financing mechanisms.

The workshop is only open to IPE members.

Friday 03 May 2024, 16:00 to 17:30, HWR Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Aula

In cooperation with Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik

Sara Cantillon, Odile Mackett and Sara Stevano have written a much-needed introduction to key topics in feminist political economy, including the global division of labour, social reproduction, child and elder care, the household and intra-household inequalities, labour market inequalities, welfare regimes, the feminization of poverty and economic indicators. The book launch will offer economics educators access to the topic and inspiration for their courses. Students are givenresources and insights by the help of which they can initiate and campaign for curriculum change at their universities. In addition, the teaching materials presented are intended to encourage everyone who is interested in the role of power relations and inequality in the economy to approach the topic on their own.

The authors will then present their book “Feminist Political Economy – A Global Perspective”, which was published in 2023. This is followed by a presentation of a course which is based on this book and was produced together with the Network for Pluralist Economics. At the end of the event the audience can ask questions. The event will take place in English, there will be no online broadcast.

Friday 03 May 2024, 12:00 to 16:00, HWR Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Aula

In Kooperation mit dem Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik

Wir leben in krisenhaften Zeiten! Dabei sind die Klimakrise und das Artensterben, die zunehmende soziale Ungleichheit und wachsende Finanzmarktinstabilität unter den größten Herausforderungen, mit denen wir uns konfrontiert sehen. So unterschiedlich diese Krisen auch sein mögen, haben sie doch einen gemeinsamen Fluchtpunkt: Die Art und Weise, wie wir wirtschaften.

Damit fällt den Wirtschaftswissenschaften eine große Verantwortung für die Bewältigung der vielseitigen Krisen unserer Zeit zu, denn wirtschaftliche Praxis und Theorie stehen in einem engen Wechselverhältnis. Mit dem Ziel dieser Verantwortung gerecht zu werden haben eine Vielzahl an wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fachbereichen und Hochschulen ein Lehrangebot geschaffen, welches sich durch theoretische und methodische Vielfalt, wissenschaftliche Reflexivität und Offenheit, sowie praxisnahe und problemzentrierte Ansätze auszeichnet - kurzum ein Lehrangebot, wie wir als Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik es in unserem Impulspapier seit Jahren fordern. Es entstand ein ökonomisches Lehrangebot, das für die Zukunft wappnet; es entstand eine future-fit economics.

Auf der Mastermesse „future-fit economics“ werden diese zukunftsfähigen Studiengänge in offenen und dialogischen Formaten vorgestellt. Es wird ein tiefer Einblick in die jeweiligen Studiengänge geboten und Austausch zwischen Hochschulvertreter:innen und Studieninteressierten ermöglicht. In diesem Rahmen kann herausgefunden werden, in welchem der angebotenen Studiengänge die eigenen Interessen und Schwerpunkten am besten verfolgt werden können. Denn die vertretenen Studiengänge vereinen eine große Vielzahl an Ansätzen, Didaktiken, methodischen Zugängen und Perspektiven, sowie ihr Fokus auf zukunftsfähige, sozial gerechte und ökologisch nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Theorie und Praxis.

Das Netzwerk Plurale Ökonomik engagiert sich seit der Vereinsgründung 2007 für einen Wandel in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Der Verein ist aus einer Kritik an der neoklassisch geprägten Volkswirtschaftslehre heraus entstanden. Die bei der Mastermesse vertretenen Studiengänge vereinen eine große Vielzahl verschiedener Forschungsansätze, Lehrmethoden und Perspektiven auf eine zukunftsfähige Ökonomie.

Übersicht über die vertretenen Studiengänge und Link zur unverbindlichen Anmeldung



Digitalisation of Money and Finance

22nd Monetary Policy Workshop (Chengdu/China)

Organised by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (Chengdu), Institute for International Political Economy at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and Deutsche Bundesbank Regional Office Berlin and Brandenburg.

Date: 23-24 November 2023

Conference Agenda

Tuesday, 23th November 2023

09:00 - 09:30 Opening Remarks

Chair: Qing WANG, Professor, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE

  • Qingshuang YIN, Professor, Vice President of SWUFE
  • Claus TIGGES, President, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin and Brandenburg

10:10 - 11:10 Keynote Speech I

Chair: Qing WANG, Professor, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE

  • Gang DI, Vice Director, Digital Currency Research Institute, The People’s Bank of China

11:10 - 11:50 Keynote Speech II

Chair: Qing WANG, Professor, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE

  • Claus TIGGES, President, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin and Brandenburg

14:00 - 14:50 Panel 1: Current Monetary Policy Issues and Central Bank Digital Currencies

Chair: Qingma DONG, Professor, Vice Dean of ICFS, SWUFE

  • Albrecht SOMMER, Head of President’s staff, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin and Brandenburg: ssociate Professor, SWUFE: Digital Euro – Current Status and Prospects
  • Yu XIAO, Associate Professor, SWUFE: Privacy, Payments and Financial Stability

15:40 – 16:30 Panel 2: Challenges to Digitalisation of Money and Finance

Chair: Martina METZGER, Professor, IPE Berlin School of Economics and Law at BSEL

Friday, 24th November 2023

09:00 - 09:50 Panel 3: Regulatory Responses to Digitalisation of Finance

Chair: Jennifer Pédussel WU, Professor, IPE Berlin School of Economics and Law at BSEL

  • Martina METZGER, Professor, IPE Berlin School of Economic and Law at BSEL: Mobile Money and Regulatory Architecture
  • Chuanwei ZOU, Chief Economist, Wanxiang Blockchain: Economic Problems of Tokenized Money

10:40 - 12:00 Panel 4: Digitalisation of Finance and Financial Inclusion

Chair: Tong XU, Associate Professor, SWUFE

  • Kuangran LI, Deputy Section Chief, The People’s Bank of China Shanghai Head Office: Digital Finance, Income, and Poverty alleviation – An Empirical Study
  • Jennifer Pédussel WU, Professor, IPE Berlin School of Economic and Law at BSEL: Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion
  • Chengbo XIE, Associate Professor, SWUFE: In the Shadow of Shadow Banking: A Liquidity Perspective

14:00 - 15:20 Panel 5: Financial Development and Economic Growth

Chair: Xue LI, Professor, SWUFE

15:40 - 16:00 Conference Closing

  • Qing WANG, Professor, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE


Navigating the Polycrisis: A conference on European Macroeconomics

9-11 September 2023, HWR Berlin

Let's talk about money: Our mission is to bring together scholars and practitioners to discuss the pressing challenges of our time. Fundamental changes in economic policy are needed to master the green transformation and move towards a postcolonial world which is more inclusive, gender-responsive and equitable for everyone.

We invite you to talk with us about topics like the fiscal framework of the eurozone, ideas for a Green New Deal, inflation, neocolonial dependencies, gender-sensitive monetary policy and many more. Experts in their fields like Randall Wray, Yan Lian, and Nathan Tankus will present and discuss the latest developments in temporary economics, using the analytical lens of MMT for a deeper understanding of the challenges we face and advance our macroeconomic thinking.

Find information on the program and registration on the conference website.

The Return of Inflation - Challenges for Macroeconomic Policy

2 June 2023, 4 to 6 pm (CET), HWR Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Building A, Room A2.04


Prof. Joshua Aizenman (PhD), University of Southern California and NBER

How does the recent inflation surge impact sovereign borrowing?

Dr. Albrecht Sommer, Deutsche Bundesbank Regional Office Berlin and Brandenburg

Which course should monetary policy take to address the inflation surge?

Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Herr, IPE

What role does income policy have in the recent rise in inflation?


Prof. Dr. Martina Metzger, IPE and HWR

Prof. Dr. Dorothea Schäfer, DIW Berlin and Jönköping University

The last time advanced countries hit two-digit annual inflation rates, the world entered into stagflation. The stagflation of the 1970s was followed by a worldwide economic slump and the outbreak of the Latin American debt crisis at the beginning of the 1980s, all triggered by overly restrictive US monetary policy. 
Prof. Joshua Aizenman, who serves as the Dockson Chair in Economics and International Relations at the University of Southern California, Albrecht Sommer from Deutsche Bundesbank, and Hansjörg Herr (IPE) will discuss what the impacts and thus prospects are this time. Hereby, they focus on the impacts on Emerging Markets and sovereign borrowing, discuss how monetary policy in the Euro Area addresses inflationary pressures and finally elaborate on the limited contribution of wages and salaries to the recent surge of inflation.

Online participation is possible; link can be requested via email to ipe.studentassistant(at)gmail.com.


4. Mai 2023, 14 bis 20 Uhr

HWR Berlin, Campus Schöneberg Aula 

„Weiter denken, weitermachen“ knüpft an das wissenschaftliche und hochschulpolitische Wirken des im November 2020 verstorbenen HWR-Professors Ulf Kadritzke an. Wie die von ihm organisierten Studium-Generale-Veranstaltungen an der HWR richtet sich das Symposium an KollegInnen, Studierende und eine interessierte Öffentlichkeit. Eine Podiumsdiskussion beschäftigt sich im Anschluss an Ulf Kadritzkes Buch Mythos Mitte (2017) mit der Relevanz von Klassenfragen für aktuelle Debatten. Anhand des Films Sirene in blond (1957) gehen KollegInnen der Bedeutung von Humor und Subversion in seiner Lehrtätigkeit nach. Schließlich versammelt ein letzter Teil verschiedene Perspektiven auf Ulf Kadritzkes Leben und Wirken an der HWR Berlin und darüber hinaus.


14.00 Uhr

Begrüßung Andreas Zaby (Präsident HWR Berlin) und Friederike Maier (Prof. i.R. HWR Berlin)

14.30 Uhr

Klassenfragen – nach Klasse fragen

Podiumsdiskussion mit Sigrid Betzelt (Prof. HWR Berlin), Stephan Lessenich (Prof. Direktor des Instituts für Sozialforschung und Universität Frankfurt/Main), Julia Friedrichs (Autorin/Filmemacherin), Sebastian Friedrich(Autor/Journalist) 

Moderation: Martin Kronauer (Prof. i.R. HWR Berlin)

16.00 Uhr

Kaffee/ Teepause

16.30 Uhr

Sirene in Blond: Literatur und Film mit Daniel StephanAnastasia Presnjakow (Doz. im Studium Generale) und Tristan Straub (Prof. HWR Berlin)

Das bleibt: Kolleginnen und Weggefährten erinnern sich an gemeinsame Zeiten

ab 18.00 Uhr

Ausklang am Buffet

Gesamtmoderation Dorothea Schmidt (Prof. i.R. HWR Berlin)


DigiCamp II

Innovation for Development: Digital Community Currencies

Date: 13-19 February 2023 (postponed to 19-23 June 2023)

Place: Faculté des Sciences Economique et de Gestion, Université de Tunis El Manár (Tunisia).

Scientific Organizers:

  • Dr. Arafet FARROUKH (FSEGT University Tunis El Manar)
  • Dr. Martina METZGER (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
  • Dr. Jennifer PEDUSSEL WU (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

Cooperation Partners:

  • University of Tunis El Manar (UTM)
  • Center for Information, Training, Studies and Documentation on Associations (IFEDA)
  • Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of Tunis El Manar (FSEGT)
  • Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE)

Application Deadline: 10 January 2023

To apply, please submit the following info and documents as PDF-files to Digischool@fsegt.utm.tn

  • A resume
  • Justification for a need-based scholarship (Partial scholarships are available)

The applications will be reviewed on the rolling basis.

For more information contact: Digischool@fsegt.utm.tn



DigiCamp Call


Globale Wertschöpfungsketten und das EU Lieferkettengesetz

Datum und Uhrzeit: 15. Februar 2022; 10-18:30 Uhr 
Ort: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin), Badensche Str. 50-51, Badensche Str. 50-51, Haus B, “Aula”
Sprachen: Englisch/Deutsch-Simultanübersetzung


10.00 Grußwort durch Prof. Andreas Zaby, Präsident der HWR Berlin, Deutschland

10.15 Eröffnungspodium: Marktkonzentration als Hindernis für wirtschaftliches und soziales Upgrading in globalen Wertschöpfungsketten

  • Prof. Hansjörg Herr (HWR Berlin, Deutschland)
  • Prof. Christina Teipen (HWR Berlin, Deutschland)
  • Prof. Simon Roberts (University of Johannesburg, Südafrika)
  • Prof. Gale Raj-Reichert (Bard College Berlin, Germany)

Moderation: Petra Pinzler (Wirtschaftsjournalistin)

12.00 Mittagspause

13.00 Podium 2: Erfolgsfaktoren für wirtschaftliches und soziales Upgrading: Fall- und Sektorstudien auf nationaler Ebene.

  • Africa Kiiza (Universität Hamburg, Deutschland)
  • Prof. Mark Anner (Global Workers' Rights, USA)
  • Dr. Ismail Doga Karatepe (Universität Kassel, Deutschland)
  • Dr. Nene Morisho (Pole Institute, Demokratische Republik Kongo)

Moderation: Teresa Hoffmann (Brot für die Welt).

15.00 Podium 3: Anforderungen an ein wirksames EU-Lieferkettengesetz im Sinne einer global nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung.

Videobotschaften von Jorge Acosta (Bananenarbeiter*innengewerkschaft Astac, Ecuador) und Rain Morgan & Pieter Swart (Fair Handels-Unternehmen Turqle Trading, Südafrika).


  • Prof. Stefanie Lorenzen (HWR Berlin, Deutschland)
  • Reiner Hoffmann (Beauftragter Decent Work der Bundesregierung)
  • Madeleine Koalick (Sustainable Links, Deutschland)

Moderation: Maja Volland (Forum Fairer Handel).

16.30 Kaffeepause

17.00 Abschlusspodium: Globalisierung im Kontext fragiler Lieferketten: Welchen Beitrag kann ein EU-Lieferkettengesetz leisten?

  • Udo Philipp (Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz)
  • Prof. Achim Truger (Universität Duisburg-Essen, Deutschland, und Mitglied des Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung)
  • Natalia Zaracho (Mitglied des argentinischen Parlaments)
  • Prof. Praveen Jha (JNU University, Delhi)
  • Prof. Elisabeth Fröhlich (CBS Köln, Deutschland)

Moderation: Petra Pinzler

19.00 Ausklang mit Imbiss

Program (in English and German)

Hier registrieren


Digitalisation and Monetary Policy

21st Monetary Policy Workshop

Organised by Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (Chengdu), Institute for International Political Economy at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, The People’s Bank of China Shanghai Head Office and Deutsche Bundesbank Regional Office Berlin and Brandenburg.

Date: 15-16 November 2022

Conference Agenda

Tuesday, 15th November 2022

15:30 - 16:00 (Beijing Time) Opening Remarks

Chair: Qing WANG, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE

  • Qingshuang YIN, Vice President of SWUFE
  • Andreas ZABY, President, Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • Claus TIGGES, President, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin and Brandenburg
  • Lihong ZHANG, Deputy Director-general, International Department, The People’s Bank of China Shanghai Head Office

16:00—17:30 (Beijing Time) Panel 1: Digital Currency from a Central Bank’s Perspective

Chair: Qing WANG, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE

  • Yuan LYU, Director, Innovation Division of Digital Currency Institute, The People's Bank of China: Progress of Research & Development of ECNY
  • Albrecht SOMMER, Head of President’s staff, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin and Brandenburg: Digital Euro – Aims and Design Options

17:30—18:30 (Beijing Time) Panel 2: Digital Currencies from a Decentralised Perspective

Chair: Jennifer Pédussel WU, IPE Berlin School of Economics and Law at BSEL

Wednesday, 16th November 2022

15:30—16:30 (Beijing Time) Panel 3: Monetary Policy from a Central Bank’s Perspective

Chair: Martina METZGER, IPE Berlin School of Economics and Law at BSEL

  • Claus TIGGES, President, Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin and Brandenburg: Current Challenges for the Monetary Policy of the ECB
  • Chunshan LIN, Director, Statistics and Research Department, The People's Bank of China Shanghai Head Office: Inclusive Finance Practice and Implications in China

16:30—17:50 (Beijing Time) Panel 4: Monetary Policy in an Open Economy

Chair: Xue LI, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

17:50—18:00 (Beijing Time) Conference Closing

  • Qing WANG, Dean of School of Finance and ICFS, SWUFE

18:00—18:30 (Beijing Time)  Roundtable: The Way Forward to Strengthen Chinese-German Co-operation in Difficult Times (Internal Discussion)


IPE Online Workshop

Frontiers in Growth Regimes Research: Theoretical Perspectives and Country Cases

IPE Online Workshop in cooperation with the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention

The special issue of the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (EJEEP) (3/2023) on ‘Frontiers in Growth Regimes Research I: Theoretical Perspectives and Conceptual Issues ’ is out now.


Thursday, 6th October 2022, 12.45 pm – 7.00 pm (CET)

12.45 pm – 1.00 pm Welcome & Introduction


1.00 pm – 2.30 pm, Chair: Ricardo Summa

  • Bruno Amable (University of Geneva)

“Growth regimes”, “accumulation regimes”, “modes of regulation” and “growth models”. A critical review of some notions commonly found in various contributions to political economy


  • Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE)

Varieties of growth regimes – a review of post-Keynesian perspectives


2.30pm – 3.00pm: Break

3:00 pm – 4.30 pm, Chair: Eckhard Hein

  • Karsten Kohler (University of Leeds), Engelbert Stockhammer, Benjamin Tippet (King’s College London)

Housing cycles and growth models


  • Ryan Woodgate (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE)

FDI-led growth in Comparative Political Economy and post-Keynesian economics


4.30pm – 5.00pm: Break

5:00 pm – 7.00 pm, Chair: Alessandro Bramucci

  • Ümit Akcay, Benjamin Jungmann (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE)

Political economy of growth regimes in Poland and Turkey


  • Julia Kühnast (Berlin School of Economics & Law)

Growth regimes of populist governments: A comparative study on Hungary and Poland


  • Ali Rıza Güngen (York University), Ümit Akcay (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE),

Growth regimes and strategies in Turkey and Egypt in the 21st Century


Friday, 7th October 2022, 1.00 pm – 7.00 pm (CET)

1.00 pm – 2.30 pm, Chair: Ümit Akcay

  • Michael Schedelik, Christian May, Andreas Nölke (Goethe University Frankfurt), Alexandre de Podestá Gomes (Jacobs University Bremen)

Dependency revisited: Capital flows, commodities, and growth models in emerging economies


  • Arie Krampf (Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo), Barak Zur (Tel Aviv University)

Measuring growth models and strategies: Tracing evolution by visualization


2.30 pm – 3.00pm: Break

3.00 pm – 4.30 pm, Chair: Ryan Woodgate

  • Hector Labat (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Ricardo Summa (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, IPE)

A supermultiplier demand-led growth accounting analysis applied to the Spanish economy (1998-2019)


  • Juan Manuel Campana, Joa Embova Vaz (Berlin School of Economics & Law, University of Technology of Compiegne), Eckhard Hein, Benjamin Jungmann (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE)

Demand and growth regimes of the BRICs countries – an autonomous demand growth perspective


4.30 pm – 5.00pm: Break

5.00 pm – 7.00 pm, Chair: Benjamin Jungmann

  • Alessandro Bramucci (Berlin School of Economics & Law, IPE)

In search of a growth model for Italy: The failed attempt of an export-led recovery strategy?


  • Juan Ianni (Berlin School of Economics & Law, University of Technology of Compiegne)

Shedding light on Argentina’s macroeconomic trap: socioeconomic and macroeconomic policy regimes


  • Theodore Klassen (Berlin School of Economics & Law, University of Technology of Compiegne)

Demand, growth, and the macroeconomic policy regime: Canada’s transition from export-led to debt-led private demand growth


Download Programme

Please register here, deadline 28 September 2022

Registered participants will receive a Zoom-link a few days in advance of the workshop.

Online Workshop

WIPOSIM – The economic policy online simulator

Hans Boeckler Foundation, Düsseldorf

Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), HWR Berlin

Institute for Socio-Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen

13 May 2022, 9:30 – 14:45


More on the WIPOSIM project

Seminar on Applied Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling

28 – 31 March 2022

Professor Gennaro Zezza, University of Cassino

The aim of the course is to present and discuss the key steps needed to build a SFC model for a whole country, starting from the available time-series data. We will use Mexico as our reference country. The seminar will be composed of 8 session of three hours each on four days.

Schedule and further details

The Seminar on the IPE Youtube Channel

Zentralreferat Forschungsförderung

Forschungskommissionen der Fachbereiche 1-5

Vizepräsident für Forschung und Transfer

Reihe: HWR-Forschungsergebnisse online präsentiert mit Beiträgen zum Themenfeld

Volkswirtschaft/en heute

Einladung zur Online Veranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE Berlin)

Montag, 24. Januar 2022, 17:00 – ca. 19:00 Uhr

Webveranstaltung: https://meet.hwr-berlin.de/b/ade-wp2-2fg – Zugangscode: 177571

Anmeldung erwünscht, bitte möglichst bis zum 20.01. an Forschung@hwr-berlin.de

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Christina Teipen – Mitglied des IPE Berlin


17.00–17.05 Uhr

Eröffnung & Begrüßung – Vizepräsident Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden / Prof. Dr. Christina Teipen

17.05–17.25 Uhr

Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies after Keynes and Kalecki – A Post-Keynesian Approach – Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein

17.25–17.45 Uhr

South Asian Free Trade Area and Food Trade: Implications for Regional Food Security – Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pédussel Wu

17.45–18.05 Uhr

Has the relationship between monetary policy and financial market riskpremiums changed in the new era of extremely interventionst policies ? – Prof. Dr. André Tomfort

18:05 – 18.25 Uhr

Transformationen der Wohlfahrtsproduktion – Prof. Dr. Sigrid Betzelt

18.25–19.00 Uhr

Gemeinsame Diskussion & Abschluss – Teilnehmer*innen und Vortragende


Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), Berlin School of Economics and Law

European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (EJEEP)

Forum Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM)

IPE Online Workshop

De-growth, zero growth and/or green growth? Macroeconomic implications of ecological constraints

Revised versions of the workshop papers have been published in a Special Issue of the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, volume 19, issue 1, 2022, edited by Eckhard Hein, Hansjörg Herr, Valeria Jimenez and Jan Priewe

Videos from this event are available here

Dates and Times:
Thursday, 23 September 2021, 14:00 - 18:00 (CET)
Friday, 24 September 2021, 14:00 - 17:30 (CET)


Thursday, 23 September 2021

14:00 – 14:30  Welcome and Introduction

14:30 – 16:00 Chair: Jan Priewe

Eckhard Hein and Valeria Jiménez (Berlin School of Economics and Law, IPE): Zero growth and macroeconomic stability: a post-Keynesian approach

Giuseppe Fontana and Malcolm Sawyer (University of Leeds): Would zero growth be achievable and sustainable?

16:00 – 16:30 Break

16:30 – 18:00,  Chair: Hansjörg Herr

Steffen Lange (IÖW Berlin): Macroeconomics beyond growth

Jan Priewe (HTW Berlin, IPE):Critique of zero growth modelling

Friday, 24 September 2021

14:00 – 15:30, Chair: Valeria Jiménez

Birte Strunk, Armon Rezai (Vienna University of Economics and Business), and Stefan Ederer (WIFO, Vienna):Policies for navigating Scylla and Charybdis: The role of labor markets in a socio-ecological transition

Antoine Monserand (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord): Buying into inequality - a macroeconomic analysis linking planned obsolescence, interpersonal inequality and a potential for degrowth

  • Video

15:30 – 16:00 Break

16:00 – 17:30, Chair: Eckhard Hein

Martin Sers and Peter A. Victor (York University): Ecological economics and climate change

Hansjörg Herr(IPE, Berlin School of Economic and Law): How to transform capitalism?

Online Workshop

WIPOSIM – The economic policy online simulator

Hans Boeckler Foundation, Düsseldorf

Institute for International Political Economy (IPE), HWR Berlin

Institute for Socio-Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen

16 June 2021, 9:30 – 16:45


More on the WIPOSIM project

IPE Online Workshop

Macroeconomic Regimes: Post-Keynesian and Critical Political Economy Perspectives

Videos from this event are available here

Dates and Times:
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (CET)
Friday, 26 March 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (CET)


Thursday, 25 March 2021

1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Welcome and Introduction

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., Chair: Eckhard Hein

Valeria Jiménez (Berlin School of Economics and Law, IPE): Wage shares and demand regimes in Central America: An empirical analysis for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama, 1970-2016

Won Jun Nah (Kyungpook National University, Korea): The income-led growth in Korea: status and prospects

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Break

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Chair: Leonardo Quero Virla

Andreas Nölke, Michael Schedelik, Christian May(Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt), Daniel Mertens (University Osnabrück): Comparative capitalism, growth models and emerging markets

Ümit Akcay, Eckhard Hein, Benjamin Jungmann (Berlin School of Economics and Law, IPE): Financialisation and macroeconomic regimes in emerging capitalist countries before and after the Great Recession

Friday, 26 March 2021

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., Chair: Valeria Jiménez

Inga Rademacher (King’s College, London): One state, one interest? How a historic shock to the balance of power of the Bundesbank and the Ministry of Finance laid the path for German fiscal austerity

Ryan Woodgate (Berlin School of Economics and Law, IPE): Multinational corporations and commercialised states: new beggar-thy-neighbour growth models in the era of neoliberal globalisation

2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Break

3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Chair: Franz Prante

Karsten Köhler, Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College, London): Growing differently? Financial cycles, austerity, and competitiveness in growth models since the Global Financial Crisis

Eckhard Hein, Judith Martschin (Berlin School of Economics and Law, IPE): Demand and growth regimes in finance-dominated capitalism and the role of the macroeconomic policy regime: a post-Keynesian comparative study on France, Germany, Italy and Spain before and after the Great Financial Crisis and the Great Recession 

4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Break

5:00 p.m. –  6:30 p.m., Chair: Ümit Akcay

Franz Prante (University Duisburg-Essen, IPE), Eckhard Hein, Alessandro Bramucci (Berlin School of Economics and Law, IPE): Financialisation, macroeconomic regimes and regime shifts after the 2007-09 crises: a post-Keynesian simulation approach

Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College, London): Post-Keynesian macroeconomic foundations for Comparative Political Economy


Einladung zur Online Veranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE Berlin)

Mittwoch, 25. November 2020, 16:00 – ca. 17:30 Uhr

Webveranstaltung: https://meet.hwr-berlin.de/b/ade-wp2-2fg
Zugangscode: 177571

Anmeldung erwünscht, bitte möglichst bis zum 23.11. an Forschung@hwr-berlin.de

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Sigrid Betzelt & Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein – Direktor*innen des IPE Berlin

    Der zweite Reclaim-Democracy-Kongress wird von 45 Kooperationspartnern getragen und vom Denknetz Schweiz organisiert. An der ersten Durchführung im Februar 2017 haben 1800 Personen teilgenommen. Reclaim-Democracy ist damit der grösste vergleichbare Anlass der kritischen, fortschrittlichen Schweiz. Das IPE ist Kooperationspartner. 


    • Digitaler Kapitalismus und soziale Kämpfe: Plenarveranstaltung mit Oliver Nachtwey, Orhan Akman, Katharina Nocun und Jacqueline Kalbermatter
    • Wahr Sagen: Kritische Öffentlichkeit und Demokratie: Plenarveranstaltung mit Silke van Dyk, Slave Cubela, Mark Eisenegger, Susan Boos und Melinda Nadj Abonji
    • System change not climate change: Plenarveranstaltung mit Ivonne Yannez, Tadzio Müller und Tetet Lauron. Mit einer Video-Botschaft von Naomi Klein.

    Datum: 27.- 29.02.2020 

    Veranstaltungsort Rote Fabrik, Seestrasse 395, Zürich


    Financial Market Regulation in Europe and China

    Organised by the Institute for International Political Economy at the Berlin School of Eco-nomics and Law, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics and Deutsche Bundes-bank Regional Office Berlin and Brandenburg. 

    For more information, see the programme.

    Date: 24-25 October 2019

    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Badensche Straße 50-51, 10825 Berlin, House B, Room 101


    Die Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR) gehört zu den wichtigen Standorten für eine plurale Wirtschaftswissenschaft und ein interdisziplinäres BWL-Studium in Deutschland. Die plurale und interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung ist am Fachbereich 1 (Wirtschaftswissenschaften) jedoch gegenwärtig gefährdet. Heterodoxe Professuren drohen nicht wiederbesetzt zu werden, und profilgebende Studiengänge und -inhalte drohen inhaltlich ausgehöhlt zu werden.  

    Am 13. Juni 2019 fand daher eine Protestaktion im Hinterhof der HWR statt, organisiert von Student*innen der drei pluralen Master-Programme International Economics (IE), Labour Policies and Globalization (LPG) und Political Economy of European Integration (POLEI). Ziel war es den Unmut vieler Student*innen über die aktuellen Entwicklungen an der HWR öffentlich zu machen. Im Rahmen eines Sommerfestes – inklusive guter Musik und vegetarischem Barbecue – wurden Student*innen über die Gefährdung des pluralen und interdisziplinären Profils der Hochschule informiert. In verschiedenen Redebeiträgen betonten Student*innen, Alumni und Vertreter*innen des Netzwerks Plurale Ökonomik die Bedeutung und Wichtigkeit der Hochschule als Ort kritischer Wissenschaft. Eine Petition für den Erhalt des LPG Masters – dessen Fortführung an der HWR ab dem kommenden Semester fraglich ist – erhielt schon allein an diesem Nachmittag etwa 170 Unterschriften. Unter den Unterzeichner*innern befinden sich hauptsächlich Wirtschaftsstudent*innen der HWR, FU und HU – von denen auch viele aus dem BWL-Bereich kommen. Zudem haben viele Beschäftigte der HWR die Aktion unterstützt. An der Petition kann unter nachfolgendem Link weiterhin teilgenommen werden:

    In April and May 2019 the "Polanyi Lecture" takes place in Vienna. It is organized by the International Karl Polanyi Society. The IPE is a cooperation partner.
    Altogether there are three events:

    29.04.2019 – WU - Jamie Peck: Whatever happened to uneven development?
    03.05.2019 – Radiokulturhaus - Dani Rodrik: Karl Polanyi and Globalization´s Wrong Turn
    06.05.2019 – WU - Marguerite Mendell: The Social and Solidarity Economy. A citizen based countermovement?

    XIV Global Labour University Conference – Reflecting 100 years of ILO – Shaping the rules for a new century of labour

    "Reflecting 100 years of ILO – Shaping the rules for a new century of labour” is the title of the XIV Global Labour University Conference that takes place from March 27-29 in Berlin. It is organized by Berlin School of Economics and Law, International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and IPE. The Global Labour University (GLU) invites labour activists and academics to contribute to the global discourse on what kinds of new global rules are necessary, what role the ILO is expected to play in a system of global governance, and how we can strengthen international labour solidarity to obtain the rules needed.

    For more information, see the detailed Call for Papers.

    Date: 27-29.03.2019

    Location: HWR Berlin


    Der Springpunkt der Politischen Ökonomie: Das Kapital gegen Arbeit und Natur - Zur Krisendynamik in Zeiten des Kapitalozäns.
    Symposion zu Ehren von Elmar Altvater (12/2018)

    Zu Ehren von Elmar Altvater (24.8.1938 – 1.5.2018, assoziiertes Mitglied des IPE Berlin) veranstaltet die Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Kooperation mit Birgit Mahnkopf (IPE Berlin) ein Symposion. Darin werden Leben und Werk Elmar Altvaters kritisch gewürdigt. Die Vorträge und Diskussionen beschäftigen sich mit seinen zentralen Themen: Weltmarkt, Arbeit, Natur und solidarische Ökonomie.

    Wo: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Münzenbergsaal, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin

    Wann: 14.-15. Dezember 2018

    World Association for Political Economy
    WAPE [2018] No.1

    WAPE calls for papers for their conference on "Karl Marx and Rosa Luxemburg: Thought Legacy and Contemporary Value - The Thirteenth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy". The IPE Berlin supported the conference as partner.

    The conference took place on:

    July 16-18, 2018 at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin), Germany

    On the occasion of the 200th birthday of Karl Marx and the 10th anniversary of the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) we will host a conference on the topic "Studying Modern Capitalism - The Relevance of Marx Today".

    Panels are on

    • Marx and the crisis of finance-dominated capitalism
    • Marx's economics - still relevant?
    • Marx receptions
    • Marx's economics and other heterodox schools of thought
    • Marx and current socio-economic and ecological crises
    • Marxian perspectives beyond capitalism.

    Date: 12-13 July 2018
    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Badensche Str. 52, 10825 Berlin, House A, Room of the Academic Senate, A 2.04

    Registration for the conference is over.
    In case you are interested in participating but did not obtain a seat yet, send us an e-mail to reserve your seat on the waiting list.

    The program can be viewed here.

    Presentations of the Conference

    Marx and the crisis of finance-dominated capitalism
    Trevor Evans: Marx's approach to finance and crisis in the age of finance-led capitalism
    Brigitte Young: A Marxian Perspective on gendered creditor and debtor Relations in the age of financialization

    Marx's economics - still relevant?
    Claudio Sardoni: Marx’s crisis theory – still relevant?
    Hansjörg Herr: Theories of income distribution - a critical analysis  [See our WP 101 for more information on Marx's thoughts on functional income distribution.]
    Fritz Helmedag: Marx and Keynes: from exploitation to employment

    Marx receptions
    Michael Heinrich: Marx‘s unfinished Critique of Politcal Economy and its different receptions

    Marx's economics and other heterodox school of thought
    Diane Elson: Marx and Feminist Economics
    Eckhard Hein: Karl Marx – an early post-Keynesian?

    Marx and current socio-economic and ecological crises
    Sigrid Betzelt: Understanding social inequality with Marx
    Kristina Dietz, Markus Wissen: Marx and the ecological crisis

    Marxian perspectives beyond capitalism
    Birgit Mahnkopf: Soyons realistes, demandons l'impossible. Alternative futures beyond 'peak capitalism'

    The Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) and the Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) Berlin jointly host the Workshop "FinTechs, Remittances and Development". The Workshop is being facilitated by the Strategic Partnership Programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

    Date: 21 - 22 June 2018

    Venue: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Badensche Str. 52, 10825 Berlin, Room B5.44

    Detailled programme



    18th Monetary Policy Workshop at the Berlin School of Economics and Law: What Kind of Economic Development can be Expected in China, Europe, and the US?

    Date: 12-13 October 2017
    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Campus Schöneberg, Badensche Str. 50-51

    The Berlin School of Economics and Law, in co-operation with the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin, held the 18th Monetary Policy Workshop at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

    For the full programme, click here.

    Presentations of Speakers

    Keynote address: AIZENMAN Joshua (University of Southern California, Los Angeles and the NBER)

    Panel 1: China – On the Way of Lower Growth and Further Integration in the World Economy?

    Panel 2: The Eurozone – What to Deal with Next?

    Panel 3: USA – What Prospect for Multilateralism?

    Date: 13-15 September 2017

    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Campus Schöneberg, Badensche Str. 50-51

    The conference, which was jointly organised by the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), the Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) and IPE, was attended by some 380 participants from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa

    Vom 22.-23. Juni 2017 findet am Campus Schöneberg an der HWR die von Prof. Sigrid Betzelt (FB 1), gemeinsam mit Prof. Ingo Bode (Universität Kassel) organisierte Jahrestagung der Sektion Sozialpolitik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie statt zum Thema „Angst im Sozialstaat – Sozialstaat in Angst?“.

    In insgesamt fünfzehn Vorträgen werden verschiedene Aspekte von Ängsten und Verunsicherung im Kontext von Sozialpolitik und sozialem Wandel diskutiert. Den Anfang machen drei Keynotes, darunter die ehemalige FB1-Kollegin Prof. Dorothea Schmidt, sowie Prof. Heinz Bude (Kassel) und Prof. Olaf Groh-Samberg (Bremen). Diskutiert wird u.a. was die Sozialpolitik-Reformen der jüngeren Vergangenheit bewirkt haben und inwiefern durch sie Ängste eher befördert denn besänftigt wurden. Neben Ängsten im Kontext der aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise werden fast alle sozialpolitischen Felder abgedeckt – vom Kinderschutz, Arbeit und Arbeitslosigkeit bis zur Altersarmut.

    Neben der akademischen Debatte findet am 22.6. abends eine Podiumsdiskussion mit vier Bundestagsabgeordneten statt, moderiert von Malte Kreutzfeldt (taz).

    Am 16. und 17. Juni 2017 lädt das Forum Neue Politik der Arbeit (FNPA) in Kooperation mit dem IPE an der HWR Berlin zur FNPA-Jahrestagung 2017 zum Thema "Macht, Ohnmacht, Gegenmacht – Gewerkschaften in der Krise der Demokratie" ein.

    FNPA-Jahrestagung 2017: Macht, Ohnmacht, Gegenmacht – Gewerkschaften in der Krise der Demokratie

    Datum: 16. und 17. Juni 2017
    Ort: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Haus B, Badensche Str. 50-51, 10825 Berlin


    Date & Time: 25-26 November 2016
    Location: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB) – Berlin Social Science Center Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin

    Date & Time: Wednesday, 19th October 2016, 2pm-6.30pm
    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Campus Schöneberg, House A, Badensche Str. 50-51, 10825 Berlin. Room A 2.04

    Datum: 10. und 11. Juni 2016

    Ort: Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Haus B, Badensche Str. 50-51, 10825 Berlin

    Veranstalter: Forum Neue Politik der Arbeit (FNPA) und Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE Berlin)

    Weitere Informationen

    Berlin School of Economics and Law, 12 – 13 May 2016

    Schöneberg Campus

    Badensche Str. 50-51, Room B 1.01

    Datum: Montag, 25. April 2016

    Ort: Sitzungssaal des Akademischen Senats, Haus A (A 2.04)
    Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Badensche Straße 52


    Friday, 9th October 2015, 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm

    Saturday, 10th October 2015, 8:45 am –12:30 pm

    Schöneberg Campus, Badensche Straße 52, Building A, Room A 2.04

    Am Freitag, den 3. Juli, 12.30 - 18 Uhr, laden das Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE) zur Veranstaltung "Political Economy and Progressive Policies - Conference in Honour of Prof. Dr. Trevor Evans" an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht (HWR) Berlin, Campus Schöneberg, Raum B 1.01 ein.

    Vom 7. bis 8. Mai 2015 findet an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin ein FESSUD WP 3 Workshop mit dem Thema ‘Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis‘ statt.


    Wednesday, 16 April 2014, 6 p.m.
    Franco-German Perspectives on Wage Policies in the Euro area


    Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL) Campus Schoeneberg, Badensche Str. 50-51 (Underground Station Bayerischer Platz), Building B, room B 1.01

    Les Économistes Atterrés, France,
    Institute for International Political Economy Berlin (IPE) and Studium Generale at BSE

    Germany has come to be seen as a shining example in Europe in recent years due to its relatively good performance in terms of growth and employment. The strategy of deregulation, dismantling the welfare state and reforming the labour market seems to have turned the former ‘sick man of Europe‘ into a successful role model. The recommendation for the European neighbours, above all for the crisis-ridden countries in the periphery, is to copy (a radicalized version of) this model in order to regain economic strength.

    However, recently, increasing doubts have been raised about the German model: The deregulation of the labour market and the encouragement of a low-wage sector are said to have significantly increased income inequality and poverty and to have led to extremely weak wage growth. This in turn is said to have weakened domestic demand and fuelled international economic imbalances due to the build-up of large export surpluses. Germany is said to outcompete its neighbours by way of excessive wage moderation and to not doing enough to boost economic growth in Europe. Criticisms in this vein by international organisations – even by the European Commission - have become quite frequent.

    This meeting will take a critical look at the role of German labour market and wages policies both from a German and from an international perspective. Given the outstanding importance of Franco-German political and economic relations the focus is on the French perspective.

    The event is part of the ‘tour of Europe’ by the French Économistes Atterrés. This group of ‘appalled‘ economists was founded in 2010 to protest against the dominant economic doctrine in France and has since become a well-known participant in the country’s economic policy debates. Their founding manifesto was published as a book which has sold more than 80,000 copies.. Since then, Atterrés has published several other books and been involved in a wide range of public activities. The Atterrés’ tour of Europe, which is taking place in the run-up to the European elections, aims to campaign for the adoption of an alternative economic policy in Europe. (http://www.atterres.org/).

    Invited speakers

    • Prof. Dr. Henri Sterdyniak (Director of the division‚ ‘Economics of Globalisation‘ at the French economic research institute OFCE, Paris and founding member of the Économistes Atterrés) 
    • Prof. Dr. Gustav Horn (Director of the Macroeconomic Policy Institute at Hans-Boeckler-Foundation, Duesseldorf and professor at the university of Duisburg-Essen).

    The discussion will be chaired by Prof. Dr. Trevor Evans, president of the IPE Berlin and professor for monetary theory, monetary policy and international currency relations at BSEL.
    The conference was organised by Prof. Dr. Achim Truger who holds a professorship in economics, particularly macroeconomics and economic policy at BSEL.

    Further Information


    Am 08. November 2013 fand an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin ein Workshop mit dem Thema Shadow Banking in China – Financial System in Europe in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Bundesbank Berlin und der Southwestern University of Finance and Economics statt.

    Conference at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in cooperation with the Global Labour University


    Friday, 21 June 2013, 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
    Berlin School of Economics and Law, Badensche Str. 50-51, 10825 Berlin, Room B 4.41

    9.00 Opening & welcome
    Bernd Reissert, President, Berlin School of Economics & Law

    9.30 The Greek sovereign debt crisis: Policies and prospects
    Georgios Argitis, University of Athens

    Fiscal discipline and the state of emergency: Social and political consequences of the crisis in Greece
    Maria Markantonatou, University of the Aegean

    11.00 Coffee break

    11.30 Italy and the political economy of decline
    Mario Pianta, University of Urbino

    The Impact of the crisis on European social models
    Christoph Hermann, University of Vienna

    1.00 Lunch break

    2.00 The impact of the crisis on wages: A perspective from the ILO Global Wage Report
    Patrick Belser, International Labour Organisation, Geneva

    The crisis in Europe: The dead end road of the race to the bottom
    Özlem Onaran, University of Greenwich

    3.30 Coffee break

    4.00 Policy alternatives to neoliberal Europe
    Florian Moritz, German Trade Union Confederation, Berlin

    Panel discussion
    Florian Moritz, Eckhard Hein, Hansjörg Herr & Mario Pianta

    Studium Generale - Europe's role in a multipolar world,

    Prof. Dr. Elmar Altvater
    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law
    Monday, April 18, 2011

    Workshop at the Berlin School of Economics Berlin in Cooperation with the International Labour Organisation

    Wednesday 06-04-11

    14.00 - 14.10 Welcome Frank Hoffer (ILO)
    Hansjörg Herr (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

    14.10 - 15.00 xxxxxx
    Partick Belser (ILO)

    15.00 - 15.50 Labour market institutions, wage bargaining and price level changes
    Hansjörg Herr (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

    15.50 -16.10 Coffee Break

    16.10- 17.00 Wage Bargaining in Germany
    Frank Zach (DGB (German Union Federation) and GLU Alumni)

    17.00 ? 17.50 The impact of the financial crisis on the Euro zone Trevor Evans (Berlin School of Economic and Law)

    Thursday 07-04-11

    9.00 ? 9.50 China?s Minimum Wage System and Transitional Industrial Relations
    Max Zenglein (German Commercial Chamber China)

    9.50 ? 10.40 Wage development and minimum wages in Europe
    Milka Kazandziska (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

    10.40 - 11.00 Coffee break

    11.00 ? 11.50 The NAIRU and wage bargaining
    Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics and Law)

    11.50 ? 12.30 Elements of a future union strategy
    Frank Hoffer (ILO)

    Das IPE Berlin war an der Durchführung der Global Labour University Conference zum Thema: Labour and the Global Crisis: Sharing the Burden (!) Shaping the Future (?)? vom 14.-16. September 2010 in Berlin beteiligt.

    The Subprime-Crises and its Consequences for Economic Development in China and Western Countries

    Berlin School of Economics and Law/ Institute for International Political Economy Berlin
    Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China
    Supported by the German Central Bank Berlin Branch

    Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Room 101

    Friday, November 27. 2009

    • 8.30 ? 9.00 Opening of the Workshop

      Prof. Dr. Michael Tolksdorf
      Vice-President of the Berlin School of Economics and Law

      Prof. Dr. Can Liu
      Vice-President of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
    • 9.00 ? 10.20 Session I: Chair Albrecht Sommer

      Financial Crisis, Global Recession and Macroeconomic Policy Reactions ? What Has Been Done and What is Required?
      Prof. Dr. Eckhard Hein
      Berlin School of Economics and Law

      Excess Liquidity and Asset Prices: China?s Perspective
      Prof. Dr. Yang Liu
      Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
    • 10.20 ? 10.30 Coffee break
    • 10.30 ? 11.50 Session II: Chair Hansjörg Herr

      What makes bad banks good banks? ? A comparison of the Chinese and the German approach to bad banks
      Dr. Albrecht Sommer
      Deutsche Bundesbank Berlin

      The Myth of the 7.37 Trillion Loan: A Study of the Effectiveness of China`s Monetary Policy in the Financial Crisis
      Prof. Dr. Jingmei Zhao
      Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
    • 11.50 ? 13.30 Lunch Break
    • 13.30 ? 15.40 Session III: Jingmei Zhao

      The Limits to Finance-Led Capitalism in the US
      Prof. Dr. Trevor Evans
      Berlin School of Economics and Law

      The International Financial Crisis ? Is the Anglo-Saxon Banking Model Drawing to an End?
      Prof. Dr. Xie Tao
      Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

      Bubble and Asset Markets and Stagnation in Japan ? What Can We Learn?
      Hansjörg Herr
      Berlin School of Economics and Law
    • 15.40 ? 16.00 Coffee and end of the workshop

    Europe in Crisis: A Critique of the EU's Failure to Respond

    15th Annual Workshop of the European Economists for Alternative Economic Policies in Europe (Euromemo) at IPE Berlin, 25-27 September


    Institute for International Political Economy Berlin
    at the Berlin School of Economics and Law
    Badensche Str. 50?51, 10825 Berlin, Room 101
    16 July 2009

    Session 1     
    10.00-10.50     Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
    A Post-Keynesian perspective on financialisation

    11.00-11.50     Trevor Evans (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
    The limits of finance-led capitalism in the US

    12.00 -12.50     Sebastian Dullien (University of Applied Sciences Berlin)
    Causes of the crisis: The myth of overly lax monetary policy

    12.50-14.00     Lunch

    Session 2     
    14.00-14.50     Hansjörg Herr (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
    Financial Markets without an Anchor

    15:00-15.50     Jan Toporowski (SOAS, University of London)
    Indebtedness and Capital Adequacy

    16.00-16.50     Costas Lapavistas (SOAS, University of London)
    The systemic failure of private banking: A case for public banks

    5. Mai 2009, 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr (voraussichtlich)

    Etwas mehr als 10 Jahre nach dem Ende des Apartheid-Regimes - im Jahr 2006 ? hat das Zentrum für Soziologische Forschung der Universität von Johannesburg ca. 3.000 Haushalte in Soweto repräsentativ befragt.

    In dieser bislang einzigartigen Studie wurde eine Fülle von Informationen erhoben, die Aussagen über das ?neue? Selbstver­ständnis, den Wertewandel, die politische Orientierung, die Lebensziele und generell zur soziale Lage der schwarzen Mehrheitsbevölkerung in der Millionen-Stadt Soweto geben können.Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen, die von der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung gefördert wurden, liegen nun mehr vor und werden von Vertretern des Forschungsteams in Deutschland präsentiert.

    Neben der Diskussion von unmittelbar auf die Studie selbst bezogenen Fragestellungen bieten gerade die dort gewonnenen Einsichten einer hervorragende Hintergrund­information für ein besseres Verständnis der aktuellen politischen Entwicklungen in der Republik Südafrika, wo am 22. April ein neues Parlament und ein neuer Präsident gewählt werden wird.

    Vom "Centre for Sociological Research", University of Johannesburg:

    Prof. Peter Alexander, Director
    Claire Ceruti, Researcher
    Kim Wale, Researcher
    Mosa Phadi, Junior Researcher

    Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.

    Privatisation and the European Social Model

    International conference
    Organised by the network ?Privatisation and the European Social Model? (PRESOM)

    3./4. April 2009, Berlin
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer Haus, Ziegelstr. 30

    Am 13. Juni 2008 fand an der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin ein Workshop mit dem Thema Minimum Wages ? Theoretical Debate. Case Studies and Political Strategy in Kooperation mit der International Labour Organsiation (ILO) statt.

    Der Workshop bildete den Beginn eines längerfristigen Forschungsprojektes im Rahmen der Global Labour University über die theoretische und empirische Debatte über Mindestlöhne. Fallbeispiele aus verschiedenen Ländern der Welt komplettieren das Forschungsprojekt.